We still have 5 Trinity Rep tickets to give away... contact me if you know someone who can use them.
Hello all Girl Scout Troop 1308 Families,
From Bruins Headquarters// Forwarded E-mail - Dec 15, 2010 10:52:21 AM, kevin.burns@providencebruins.com wrote:
"The special Cookie Kick-Off with the P-Bruins is just about three weeks away and there is still time to get your tickets! Tickets are just $14 and all scouts, family members, and friends are invited. The special ticket price is valid for all the pre-game activities as well as the P-Bruins game itself. Doors will be open at 1:00PM and the concourse will be turned into cookie mania with games and prizes. All the girl scouts will receive a P-Bruins t-shirt along with a scout patch. If the whole troop cannot make it that is not a problem! I have attached an order form that can be passed out to the members of your troop that they can just simply mail back into me as there is NO MINIMUM number of people needed. Please feel free to contact me at 401-273-5000 X19 if you have any questions."
"Happy Holidays and hope to see you on January 9th!"
"Kevin Burns, Marketing Services Manager
Providence Bruins Hockey
Dunkin' Donuts Center, 1 LaSalle Sq., Providence, RI 02903"
Find the P-Bruins on Facebook at www.facebook.com/providencebruins and Follow us on Twitter at www.twitter.com/AHLBruins
Sent: Monday, December 13, 2010 8:26 PM
Subject: : Dec. 15/ GS activities
Hello All_
-- Wednesday Dec. 15- Cookie Decorating/ Wilton Kits (Dress appropriately) Singing and Finish Crafts
I will NOT be there Julia and Liam have their Chorus/ Bells Concert.
-- Wednesday Dec. 22 Sakonnet Bay Manor 6:30 Singing and Musical Performance Dress Up/ No jeans please
WE have 5 Free Tickets for the Christmas Carol. Some friends are not able to attend and are offering these to anyone who can use them. I have three people in my car including Abby C., Julia E. and I so I can bring 2 more if needed.
-- THIS Sunday Dec. 19th Trinity Rep for the Christmas Carol dress up for the performance -NO uniforms are necessary! Please email if you could use a ticket-
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Sunday, November 14, 2010 7:03 PM
Subject: TOMORROW- Clements 6:15/ GS
Tomorrow- Nov. 15th we will be meeting at Clements Market in Portsmouth. We will watching and learning cooking techniques. 615- 7:30 regular time. We will meet in the cafe to the right hand side when entering. Any questions or need a ride please email Erin or call me 297-1690.
NO MEETING Nov 17 OR Nov. 24
See you tomorrow!
Sent: Tuesday, November 02, 2010 10:30 AM
This week we will be finishing up our Pluffy project and working on our journey.
On MONDAY, Nov. 15th we will be going to Clements Market 6:15- 7:30.
We will also be booking our singing at Sakonnet Bay Manor soon. We will try to keep it on a Wednesday if possible. If your daughter plays an instrument she can play at this event if she would like to. Piano as well. We will be making presents for them as well.
Nov .3- Project/ Journey
Nov. 10th- Badge work Girl Scouting in the USA
Nov. 15th- Clements Market
Nov. 24th- (NO MEETING) Happy Thanksgiving!!
Dec. 1- Holiday Planning/ Crafts
Dec8th- Practice Singing/ Crafts/ Badge work
Dec15- same as above (I will NOT be able to attend/ Julia has a Bell Concert) Emma too I think**
Dec. 19 Trinity Rep/ Christmas Carol
Dec22- Singing at Saknonnet Bay (still in the process of booking)
Please tell me if there is a conflict with any dates. School concerts/parties etc. ASAP
Sent: Sunday, October 24, 2010 9:00 PM
Subject: Halloween Party
Halloween Party this week!
-- Wear costumes!
-- Bring in a signed items!
--PLEASE Bring a BLACK SHARPIE if you have one. We will be decorating the shirts we TYE DYED.
(Everyone needs one and we only have a handful..greatly appreciated)
-- We will be Pumpkin Bowling, Donut Eating contest, Jello Eating Contest, Dancing and Halloween Fun!
Please check out the website for more info if needed.
-- JoAnn is attending a Halloween Party on Friday, Oct 29th. She needs to know how many girls will be attending. If you have already replied please disregard this notice. Please reply whether or not you be attending this Halloween Party by Wednesday!!
6:15- 7:30 Wednesday- See you then!
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2010 8:26 PM // Subject: GS on Oct. 20th
Hello All,
The corn Maze was a lot of fun - Thanks Erin and Jo Ann for the pictures.
This week: Please wear dirty clothes- T YE Dyeing Pumpkin shirts!, Finishing up our Pluffy clay project, Talk about the Halloween Party and what is needed.( List will at the meeting to sign up for)
Lastly we will have a brief discussion about energy. The girls had a project to do for me- Draw a outline of their room and place an X on the electric outlets and or all the appliances or gadgets that need that energy. Have them bring it in. It's a quick draw! Part of our Journey!
Couple of questions that come up:
1. All permissions slips must have cell phone to be reached.
2. Field Trips you should wear your uniform. ( I if you have one of course) In trips like this ,we wear jackets so it is not necessary.
3. No girl is allowed to purchased goods at a function unless 1. all the girls were told to bring specific amount to be fair 2. if a parent wants to purchase something after the event is over with their child ( no longer a GS event) Fair and Equal!
4. Notify me or Erin when leaving an event. We must have a visual contact with the parent.
5. Lastly we will put deadline dates for events- Notify me whether or not you are coming. With 20 girls I will not call homes to figure info. out.
These are obviously to put us all on the same page. It is important to all girls to be equal and understand a group mentality. Please don't take these personally- all of these helpful hints will unite the girls together..and be a sister to every girl scouts...yeah that was hammy!
See you on Wednesday-
Sent: Monday, October 11, 2010 6:59 PM // Subject: GS Info-Apple Picking This Week
Hello all,
Here is some reminders and new info. Please read:
-- Our visit to Stone Church Orchard is This WEEK, Wednesday, 10/13, from 4:30-5:30pm. ) Apple-picking may not be our focus... fewer apples on trees but still an "Orchard Experience/Tour." Owners, Warren and Joanne Wetzel, told me they will make our visit as interesting & fun as possible. Also, they are saving plenty of apples for us-- in baskets, if not in the trees.
-- Escobar's Corn Maze Saturday, Oct. 16th- 2 o'clock -Harry Potter Day ($3.00 for GS paid for thru dues/ $5.00 per person/ family members ) Please meet there-if your daughter needs a ride please see or email Erin or I.
*** PERMISSION MUST BE SIGNED FOR ESCOBAR'S AS WELL- we will have them at Apple Picking
Things to bring or send in with your Girl Scout:
1) Permission Slip/T-Shirt size Form (completed)
2) Be a Reader Permission Slip (signed)
3) $10 for each ticket you'd like for "A Christmas Carol" (12/19, 12 noon, Trinity Rep)For non GS it is a cost of 15.00 per person.
Lastly, Halloween Party will be on the 27th. Please sign up to bring something. We have 20 girls on the roster so plan accordingly.( maybe two sign up for each)
Fruit / Dip (Does any have the chocolate fondue machine...)
Jello (jello eating contest)
Donuts ( Donut eating contest)
Bagel Pizza or Pizza rolls-
Plates/ Napkins
Halloween Treats (each girl will receive a bag of goodies)
I hope I did not forget anything..They really enjoy their Halloween party.
PS Check out the Blog its got everything..... http://gsri1308.blogspot.com/